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Fee list

The following is a list of fees that traders can include in fee plans for their master accounts:

  • Performance fee (% of net profit)
  • Subscription fee (USD/period)
  • Profit fee (% of profitable positions)
  • Management fee (% of AUM)
  • Trade fee (also called Volume fee) (USD per lot)

After subscribing to a master account, an investor will pay the fees listed in the fee plan to the trader who manages the master account.

Performance fee (% of net profit)

A percentage of net profit generated on an investment account from the positions copied from a specific master account. The performance fee is charged periodically (daily, weekly, or monthly).

The High-Water Mark principle is used when calculating the performance fee, meaning that the performance fee is paid only from the net profit increment on an investment account.

The performance fee is calculated individually for each master account to which an investment account is subscribed. The losses incurred on a specific master account don’t affect the performance fees paid to the owners of other master accounts.

When charged

At the period end. The payment period is calculated from the subscription date, that is the fee is charged from each subscribed investment account on a specific day.


The performance fee formula can be adjusted by applying the available calculation settings (for details, refer to Configure the performance fee calculation settings).

Currency conversion

If the performance fee is deposited to a trader’s account denominated in a currency that differs from the currency of the investment account from which the fee is deducted, the fee amount is converted to the trader’s account currency at MetaTrader exchange rates.

Subscription fee (USD/period)

A fixed amount in USD charged periodically (daily, weekly, or monthly) regardless of generated profit or loss.

When charged

At the period end. The payment period is calculated from the subscription date, that is the fee is charged from each subscribed investment account on a specific day.

Currency conversion

If the subscription fee is deposited to a trader’s account denominated in another currency than USD, the fee amount in USD is converted to the trader’s account currency at MetaTrader exchange rates.

Profit fee (% of profitable positions)

A percentage of profit generated on an investment account only from profitable positions copied from a specific master account. The profit fee is charged periodically (daily, weekly, or monthly).

The High-Water Mark principle is used when calculating the profit fee, meaning that the profit fee is paid only from the profit increment on an investment account.

The profit fee is calculated individually for each master account to which an investment account is subscribed. The losses incurred on a specific master account don’t affect the profit fees paid to the owners of other master accounts.

When charged

At the period end. The payment period is calculated from the subscription date, that is the fee is charged from each subscribed investment account on a specific day.


Profit fee = Fee%/100 * (Current Realised Profit - Previous Realised Profit)


  • Fee% is the profit fee percentage specified by a trader in a fee plan.
  • Current Realised Profit is the realised profit on a subscribed investment account, calculated at the moment of fee payment against closed positions. The positions copied from a specific master account are taken for calculations.
  • Previous Realised Profit is the realised profit on a subscribed investment account, calculated at the moment of the previous successful fee payment against closed positions. The positions copied from a specific master account are taken for calculations.

According to the High-Water Mark principle, the profit fee is paid only if Current Realised Profit is greater than Previous Realised Profit.

Currency conversion

If the profit fee is deposited to a trader’s account denominated in a currency that differs from the currency of the investment account from which the fee is deducted, the fee amount is converted to the trader’s account currency at MetaTrader exchange rates.

Management fee (% of AUM)

An annual percentage of an investment account balance or equity at the moment of fee payment. It is possible to select the calculation formula based on balance or based on equity.

Instead of an annual percentage, this percentage can be calculated for a selected period. The management fee is charged periodically (daily, weekly, or monthly).

When charged

At the period end. The payment period is calculated from the subscription date, that is the fee is charged from each subscribed investment account on a specific day.


The management fee formula can be adjusted by applying the available calculation settings (for details, refer to Configure the management fee calculation settings).

Currency conversion

If the management fee is deposited to a trader’s wallet denominated in a currency that differs from the currency of the investment account from which the fee is deducted, the fee amount is converted to the trader’s wallet currency at MetaTrader exchange rates.

Trade fee (also called Volume fee) (USD per lot)

A fixed rate in USD per copied lot.

By default, the trade fee is charged for all positions copied from the master account to a subscribed investment account. However, it is possible to configure the trade fee filter in order to charge the trade fee only for trading specific instrument groups.

When charged

The trade fee is charged after closing a position on an investment account.


Trade fee = Fee rate * Copied volume


  • Fee rate is the trade fee rate, in USD, specified by a trader in a fee plan. 
  • Copied volume is the volume of a position, in lots, copied from the master account to a subscribed investment account.

Currency conversion

If the trade fee is deposited to a trader’s account denominated in another currency than USD, the fee amount in USD is converted to the trader’s account currency at MetaTrader exchange rates.

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